
Angela | The Systems Rx

On a mission to help online business owners be in control of the tech wires keeping your (virtual) business lights on, rather than be tangled in them.

let me lay it all out for you

Okay Reader... As you know by now, the virtual doors to The Ultimate Funnel Playbook are open! If you’re still deciding whether or not to purchase, here's a breakdown of the lessons in this course so you know exactly what you'll learn: Defining Funnels What's the hype with Funnels? The anatomy of a funnel Demystifying Funnel jargon Let's talk about "Funnel Hacking" Funnel Building Framework The different types of Funnels Choosing the tech for your Funnel Setting up your Funnel ingredients...

a simple reframe on funnels

Hey Reader, I’ve been running my online business since January 2019, and here are a few things I know to be true: No matter what stage of business you are in, you can’t avoid funnels. Time is an indispensable resource you can never get back, but you can find ways to save it. Also, what you don’t pay with money, you pay with time. So let's start with #1. If you are a business owner, the word "funnels" either excites you or fills you with dread because you know you need one but don't know where...

Want recurring revenue and efficient collaborations?

Hey Reader, I can't believe it's already April. If I'm being honest, the past 3 months have been a blur for me 😅 Probably because I decided to launch 5 new offers last quarter 🤪 I won't say I won't do it again though cause I've been embracing the creative juices and I LOVE seeing how my wacky ideas are helping other online business owners with funnels, tech, and automated systems. Peep the feedback I've gotten so far about my latest offer, The Funnel Tech Experience 🥰 And I've got more...

FTE preview, a Thrivecart hack, and more!

Hey Reader!! I don't typically send out my newsletter-style emails on Sundays but I'm going on a week-long vacation tomorrow with the fam and I had some cool stuff to share with you so HERE WE GO! FUNNEL TECH EXPERIENCE UPDATE I'm releasing two of the four paths for The Funnel Tech Experience this upcoming Tuesday and I can't wait for you to try out this fun, interactive crash course on funnel tech and automation. Check out this IG story highlight if you'd like a quick preview of how this...

what's cooking, a fun giveaway, and tech I've been loving

HEY HEY Reader!! I'm so excited to go back to my regular newsletter schedule. I have SO many things fun things to share with you and it was hard to choose what to share first 😭 If you've been around my email list for a while, you know I don't typically send out my newsletters on Mondays. BUTTTT there were some time sensitive things I didn't want you to miss out on so let's get to it! WHAT'S COOKING IN THE SYSTEMS RX LAB I had an idea for a new resource in the middle of my last launch and it...

are you waiting?

Don't wanna hear about Sustainable Systems? Just tap here. I hear it all the time, Reader. You sit down with your "I'm gonna get stuff done" beverage, determined to finally "make your systems better". You start out optimistic but end up in frustration… and this continues to happen, one too many times. So you chose to wait. Wait until you have “more time” and head space to comb through your systems and figure out where to start optimizing. Wait till your business bank account says it’s ok to...

what people are asking about Sustainable Systems

Don't wanna hear about Sustainable Systems? Just tap here. Hey Reader, You might be wondering if Sustainable Systems will actually help you streamline your systems so you can finally be the efficient CEO of your dreams.... And I’ve been listening intently to your questions. They are more than valid. So I’m doing my best to go through everything I’ve been receiving over the last few days, so I can give you the low-down. Cool? Cool! Question #1. I feel like I need systems but I don't know where...

it's the little things

Don't wanna hear about Sustainable Systems? Just tap here. Hey Reader, One of the business lessons I've learned in my entrepreneurial journey is that little habits can make a huge difference in our business. Like the time I learned a super simple copywriting habit from a sales page audit I won two years ago and has significantly improved my copywriting skills. Which can I be honest for a minute, Reader? When I first started my business, I had no idea ALL the different roles I would have, AND...

what happens when you can't automate?

Don't wanna hear about Sustainable Systems? Just tap here. Hey Reader, I can't contain my excitement for my live training Sustainable Systems, where I will share my entire process for auditing and optimizing systems so you can stop drowning in clunky systems and make room for streamlined and efficient systems. But the icing on top is the BONUS Automations 101 course you will receive on the morning of the live training. In this bonus course, I will dive into automation essentials, Zapier 101,...

can systems make you more profitable?

I’m not gonna lie, Reader. You all ask some really good questions! I’ve received so many thought-provoking questions that have me like this: So I’m back in your inbox for the last time today to share my answer to this question: Can systems actually help you run a profitable online business? *taps mic* I’ll share a simple system you can implement today to start making your business more profitable in the P.S. section. But for now, I would love for you to answer this question honestly: do you...